This week I spent several days in Lanterna near the Croatian city of Porec. The destination is operated by Valamar.
During the check-in, I asked the receptionist whether it is possible to connect to the Internet and I have received the coupon on the half-hourly connection in a hotel Tamaris. The normal price of the coupon is 15 HRK for half an hour.
In the hotel Tamaris are available 3 computers with installed ICQ, Skype and Internet Explorer, plus Open Office.
Explorer is somehow limited, for example, the standard version of Google mail does not work and need to switch to HTML version. I have the impression that there are limited cookies.
What is however important - if you have equipment to enable connection via wifi, you can probably connect to the hotspot identified Tamaris. Hotspot LanternaHotSpot accessible from the Reception doesn't connect you to the Internet. On Tamaris I spent about 30 minutes and I didn't find any limitation.
This article was translated by Google translator with some small corrections made by human :o)
neděle 8. června 2008
Internet free of charge in Croatia, Lanterna near Porec
Vystavil bb99 v 23:27
Štítky: dovolená, free wifi, Chorvatsko
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