neděle 26. října 2008

Yesterday I visited Mama Mia movie with songs from ABBA

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friends invited me yesterday to the movies in the film Mama Mia. After searching album of people who were already in the film, I was enough to balance whether it is something that I would like to attend. Finally, I decided that, yes, at least for písničkám. The reviews heard things like "šedesátnice dancing around kadiboudy", "singing James Bond is terrible, 'etc.
What to write? The story takes place on the Greek island where the mother (a very famous actress, but I really remember the name) manages his dream hotel together with my daughter to be married soon. Nothing unusual, but the daughter, as now appears at the beginning, does not know his father but is suspected to 3 individuals (James Bond, a lawyer from Brigitte Jones and an unknown Jouda, which later proves to be gay). So dig mother's diaries from the time of its conception and write 3 main suspect that it came to the wedding. We also mention of what her mother was a slut.
Another process is already mainly vtěsnáním songs Abby into a sauce, sometimes even funny, but most importantly, very often too farfetched. I assume that the creators had intended, enough to act as a parody, but parody is not. I do not know much, what do you think sometimes it's funny, but sometimes not.
For example, singing James Bond operates from a canvas "forcibly", otherwise use the words "ease". To zírají as viewers, as well as the actor who will stop and surprised him looking. What I keep a little zarazilo, it was the Greek environment. The film is in Greece had nothing in common. Makers to use the beautiful environment and local people's weddings, the whole to act very nicely, but it could still take place in Italy. What I honilo head - be Rekem, some of which I had mixed feelings - American and English actors using the Greek environment. I do not know, I do not know ...
Šedesátnice singing in kadibudky there really were, it's one of those fun scenes, but in the mind, if it is a little embarrassing. At least I was thinking, but I do not think I was a biscuit. It was strange ...
Omitted, dějové the type of wedding turned upside down when initially married the daughter, finally wed her mother instead of one potential father (James) or discovered Afroditin spring directly to the hotel yard (rather weak pension).
My verdict is obyklý ... If I knew, I would like to not go, but I did not intend to leave the cinema in the middle of the movie. So good, nice songs, the girls liked it ...

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