neděle 12. října 2008

New Perspectives on Political Economy

Nove cislo  New Perspectives on Political Economy - multidisciplinarniho
odborneho periodika rozvijejiciho rakouskou tradici - je nyni dostupne
on-line. Najdete v nem tyto clanky evropskych i zamorskych autoru:

Enrico Colombatto, Arie Melnik: Productive and Non-Productive
Entrepreneurship and the Interaction Between Founders and Funders

Scott A. Beaulier, Joshua C. Hall: Collective Consumption Externalities
and Charitable Giving

Michal Kvasnička: Rothbard's Welfare Theory: A Critique

Jeffrey M. Herbener: In Defense of Rothbardian Welfare Economics

Brian Mokoro: Book Review: After War: The Political Economy of Exporting
Democracy by Christopher Coyne


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