pátek 19. července 2024

Python Script for BMW OBD2

Python Script for BMW OBD2

July 19, 2024

can you create python script, which will connect to my bmw x1 2018 via bluetooth to OBD2 and display a simple dashboard, which will constantly display and update all main data from the car (i.e. speed, temperatures, and other service data from car, fuel consumption, etc...)


Creating a Python script to connect to your BMW X1 2018 via Bluetooth to an OBD2 device and display a dashboard is a multi-step process. This involves:

  1. Setting up the Bluetooth OBD2 Connection:
    • Using a Bluetooth OBD2 adapter to connect to your car.
    • Utilizing a Python library to communicate with the OBD2 adapter.
  2. Retrieving Data:
    • Using the OBD2 protocols to get data such as speed, temperature, fuel consumption, etc.
  3. Displaying the Dashboard:
    • Creating a simple graphical dashboard to display the data, which can be done using libraries such as tkinterfor simplicity or dash for a more web-like interface.

Below is an example script that demonstrates how to achieve this using the obd library for OBD2 communication and tkinter for the dashboard.


  1. Install the necessary Python libraries:shCopy code

    pip install obd tk



Copy code

import obd

import tkinter as tk

from tkinter import StringVar

# Function to update data from OBD2 and refresh the dashboard

def update_dashboard():

    speed_response = connection.query(obd.commands.SPEED)

    rpm_response = connection.query(obd.commands.RPM)

    temp_response = connection.query(obd.commands.COOLANT_TEMP)

    fuel_response = connection.query(obd.commands.FUEL_LEVEL)


    if speed_response.value:

        speed_var.set(f"Speed: {speed_response.value.to('mph')}")

    if rpm_response.value:

        rpm_var.set(f"RPM: {rpm_response.value}")

    if temp_response.value:

        temp_var.set(f"Coolant Temp: {temp_response.value.to('celsius')}")

    if fuel_response.value:

        fuel_var.set(f"Fuel Level: {fuel_response.value}%")

    # Schedule the update_dashboard function to be called again after 1000ms

    root.after(1000, update_dashboard)

# Initialize the OBD2 connection

connection = obd.OBD()  # auto-connects to the first available OBD port

# Initialize the GUI

root = tk.Tk()

root.title("Car Dashboard")

speed_var = StringVar()

rpm_var = StringVar()

temp_var = StringVar()

fuel_var = StringVar()

tk.Label(root, textvariable=speed_var, font=("Helvetica", 16)).pack()

tk.Label(root, textvariable=rpm_var, font=("Helvetica", 16)).pack()

tk.Label(root, textvariable=temp_var, font=("Helvetica", 16)).pack()

tk.Label(root, textvariable=fuel_var, font=("Helvetica", 16)).pack()

# Start updating the dashboard


# Start the GUI event loop



  1. Connecting to OBD2:
    • connection = obd.OBD() establishes a connection to the OBD2 adapter. The obd library automatically searches for the Bluetooth OBD2 device.
  2. Updating the Dashboard:
    • The update_dashboard function queries the OBD2 adapter for speed, RPM, coolant temperature, and fuel level using predefined OBD commands.
    • The retrieved data is displayed on the dashboard using tkinter labels. The function is scheduled to run every second to ensure real-time updates.
  3. Creating the GUI:
    • The tkinter library is used to create a simple graphical interface that displays the car's data.
    • StringVar variables are used to hold and update the data displayed in the labels.

Additional Notes

  • Ensure your Bluetooth OBD2 adapter is compatible with your BMW X1 and properly paired with your computer.
  • The obd library might need specific configurations depending on your OBD2 adapter and car model.
  • This script is basic and can be extended to include more data points or a more sophisticated user interface.

This script should give you a starting point for developing a real-time dashboard for your car using Python.

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