neděle 28. října 2012

We need your help to continue the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence!

Arecibo Observatory

The search for life on other planets is in full swing. Now, more than at any other point in history, humanity is close to finding out if life is unique to Earth. As a species we are sending spacecraft to other planets to search for microbial life, and may soon have the ability to detect signs of life in the atmospheres of planets orbiting distant stars. But it may be that our first sign of life beyond our solar system will be a signal from intelligent life. That's where SETI comes in.

While SETI has the capability to detect life elsewhere, such a detection would also indicate that intelligence is not unique to Earth, making the discovery that much more exciting. SETI@home has been running for over thirteen years non-stop with the help of volunteers such as yourself, the largest and longest running SETI project to date. Your tax-deductible donation will allow us to continue to our current searches and implement the new searches we have been planning. Your support is imperative for the continuing search for extraterrestrial intelligence, both for sustaining our continuing searches and for finding new ways to expand the ways we search the skies for life in deep space.

So please, help us become the first to find our neighbors in the universe. Support SETI@home and all of its associated searcheswith a donation today.

Thank you, and best wishes,

Kara Kundert

Kara Kundert is an undergraduate student of astrophysics and electrical engineering at Oberlin College. She has been volunteering for SETI@home since high school, and is currently aiding in the SERENDIP V.v search.

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