pondělí 28. září 2020

why I left PyCharm (python development) and started using Visual Studio Code

 As I wrote a couple of weeks ago, I completely switched my personal & work laptop (X1 Yoga) to UBUNTu experience.

Main advantages and reasons why I did it can be found in my post from May 2020.

As for my Python development, I took and advantage of PyCharm tool, which I used on Windows previously.

But during the time, I have found that somehow sometimes my mouse button was locked for marking text areas and cannot be unlocked for normal work. This behaviour was described by many users on several forums and only restart of OS helped with that.

Just imagine yourself with some idea which needs to be implemented into code as soon as possible (until you forget it) and you realise that you have no possibility to write it down into code until you reboot the whole thing.

That's the reason why I completely left PyCharm and started Visual Studio Code - which is - at least clean, simple and good for my purposes.

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