If you can help, even just by sharing this message to ask you to do prosím.Na photo cca.16let.staré is Milos Vašut that roughly the same time before he went to Italy for prací.Napsal during the first few months of the two cards, and since then, neozval.Nevím whether he lives or not other than jméno..V time went lived in Havířově.Je assumption, if he lives that probably resides in Italy and I need this report (unless someone knows Italian and translates it'll really like) to get to Italian servers and social sítě.V this time should be around 40 at let.Potřebuji learns that his brother Martin died and his mother is doing mentally and physically very sick and very fastens to hope that he has another son ... So if there was hope that Milos Vašut would know about it and will do his best to visit his mother, or even her somehow pomoci..Já like his uncle and his brother moms do not know what to do více..Tak beg you for sharing ..Děkuji.a just to make sure I add tel + 420 777 730 345, but also in my profile ie mail.Mám some extra information about Milos Vašut that could pomoci.Datum birth is about 11.11.1972.Výška .168-175 cm., on both feet had since birth fused together middle and index finger (it is possible to keep it operational rozdělit.¨) Approximately during the years 1981 to 1984 graduated from the School of Agriculture in Svinov (Ostrava, Czech Republic) .On his right hand on his arm was a tattoo, it's a figure of XENA, wife of stejnomenného film seriálu.Není not much, but at least něco.V Today, however, men seem jinak.Měl brown hair, slim postavy.Dnes it can be stronger without hair, beard? nevím..Ano and even the first two and the last message from him came from the area of Bari, then it nic.Nepodloženou message that I was moving in Milano.Je is also possible that Italy has not at all .. - with users Milos Vašut
sobota 29. srpna 2015
Miloš Vašut
If you can help, even just by sharing this message to ask you to do prosím.Na photo cca.16let.staré is Milos Vašut that roughly the same time before he went to Italy for prací.Napsal during the first few months of the two cards, and since then, neozval.Nevím whether he lives or not other than jméno..V time went lived in Havířově.Je assumption, if he lives that probably resides in Italy and I need this report (unless someone knows Italian and translates it'll really like) to get to Italian servers and social sítě.V this time should be around 40 at let.Potřebuji learns that his brother Martin died and his mother is doing mentally and physically very sick and very fastens to hope that he has another son ... So if there was hope that Milos Vašut would know about it and will do his best to visit his mother, or even her somehow pomoci..Já like his uncle and his brother moms do not know what to do více..Tak beg you for sharing ..Děkuji.a just to make sure I add tel + 420 777 730 345, but also in my profile ie mail.Mám some extra information about Milos Vašut that could pomoci.Datum birth is about 11.11.1972.Výška .168-175 cm., on both feet had since birth fused together middle and index finger (it is possible to keep it operational rozdělit.¨) Approximately during the years 1981 to 1984 graduated from the School of Agriculture in Svinov (Ostrava, Czech Republic) .On his right hand on his arm was a tattoo, it's a figure of XENA, wife of stejnomenného film seriálu.Není not much, but at least něco.V Today, however, men seem jinak.Měl brown hair, slim postavy.Dnes it can be stronger without hair, beard? nevím..Ano and even the first two and the last message from him came from the area of Bari, then it nic.Nepodloženou message that I was moving in Milano.Je is also possible that Italy has not at all .. - with users Milos Vašut
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